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  • Maybe off topic :p
    By Wildman on Aug 31, 2016 13:23:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    been to lots of hamfests, seen lots of radio stuff, acquired many wonderous pc hardwares over the years.

    By KP3FT on Aug 31, 2016 13:03:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    Thanks, I'll write that down, it's easy to forget what drivers, etc. work on new installs. Yep, that's my Puerto Rico callsign. Are you a ham also?

    OpenTracker version
    By Wildman on Aug 31, 2016 12:50:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    I just did a CRC check and it looks like the version of opentracker you have there is the 5.1.5 version posted here.

    By Wildman on Aug 31, 2016 12:39:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    i'll go ahead and add these now.. I'm guessing your username is a ham callsign? :p

    USB scsi driver
    By KP3FT on Aug 31, 2016 12:07:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    Love this site, great job! Pulkomandy's archive link has the patch here: http://pulkomandy.tk/~beosarchive/unsorted/ftp.muleslow.net/beos/bebits/usb_scsi-1.1.0-alpha-1.zip Also, the particular OpenTracker version that worked for me is here: http://pulkomandy.tk/~beosarchive/unsorted/www.emupt.com/beos/o/OpenTracker_x86.pkg Not all opentrackers fix the USB file transfer I've noticed.

    By Wildman on Aug 31, 2016 11:46:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    I don't think I actually have usb_scsi-1.1.0-alpha-11.zip yet.. :/

    By KP3FT on Aug 31, 2016 11:42:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    Sorry about the "1" upvote, I meant to give it a "10", but I can't change it.

    Second patch required
    By KP3FT on Aug 31, 2016 11:37:st
    Version when comment posted: 1.0
    At least for USB flash drives, a second patch is needed for it to work: "usb_scsi-1.1.0-alpha-11.zip" This second patch has a config file which will almost surely need to be edited when installed on a BeOS R5 machine ( /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/usb_scsi ). Uncomment the line "ignore_sysinit2 true", otherwise, you end up in kernel-debugging-land on reboot. I've installed this on countless BeOS R5 machines, and ALWAYS need to edit that line. A further note, if your USB thumbdrive hangs on file transfers, install the OpenTracker version "OpenTracker_x86.pkg". This fixed the problem for me.

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