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Version 1.0
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About BeHexed:


1. Why this program
2. How to install it
3. How to use it
4. What files are necessary
5. Commandline options
6. Some websites
7. Questions and Problems
F. History

1. Why this program
DiskProbe is okay, but not good enough when it comes to analyze files. No colors can be used, and its bufferswapping does not fullfill my requests.

2. How to install it
Unzip and launch "BeHexed".
It's as simple as that.

3. How to use it
After opening a file you see hex data in the middle and the ASCII-Data on the right.
When moving the mouse over the data (ASCII or hex) the actual offset of the mouse offset's position is shown on the title bar.

You control the caret via the cursor keys (or mouse).
You scroll via SHIFT+cursor keys.

To change color of a data byte use a right click on a byte.

Data Bytes are entered hex (default; ALT + H) or in ASCII (hit ALT + A to change into ASCII-Mode).

The rest is obvious. Isn't it?

4. What files are necessary
"BeHexed" - The actual program
"readme.txt" - The readme file

5. Commandline options

This Help-Message

6. Some websites

The Troublemaker Homepage

7. Questions and Problems

Questions and Problems concerning this program please to

Latest Version

Details about this version:
2000.09.07 - introduced file size setting, and goto file position
2000.09.06 - File closing bug removed; added dropping support for files; SetTitle to filename; fixed selection bug
2000.09.01 - Removed most flickering when moving mark
2000.08.27 - First Version

Intel (BeOS 5)     (32.9K)

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