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Important: Regarding Adding Contacts
Posted on: 03-28 8:47 am

Hypercat Said:
'How do i fix aim failing to sign in even though i am connected to the internet?'
hi the problem i get when signing in is i get error message the aim service cant be reached I USED THE NICK PASSWORD I registered with or do i use my aol nick password
i use aim version AOL Instant Messenger 4.7 before i i tgried others but had to uninstall because they havent worked neather not sure what i can do is there a way u can fix this
i use windows 8.1
Posted on: 09-29 9:47 pm

Are you offical
Posted on: 01-28 2:44 pm

I have had a few new friend requests on yahoo and when I would accept them they would disappear, even the people I would add disappears whats going on?
Posted on: 05-12 2:44 pm

bro i cant login in yahoo mensanger but you need a yahoo ID BUT IM USING AOL 5.0 (not 5.1 becuz of the server)

add me:lolzgamer im_very_active_days_and_summers_btw age_11_country_brazil
Posted on: 08-17 8:44 am

Wildman Said:
'There seems to be some kind of strange behavior that opening the buddylist setup window, adding a new group, then adding contacts to the group at the same time causes the group not to be sent to the server, and the resulting new contacts are added to a non existing group. you have to create the new group first by itself, exit the buddylist setup window, then re-enter it and then add the new contacts to the new group. '
Posted on: 08-17 8:44 am

Wildman Said:
'There seems to be some kind of strange behavior that opening the buddylist setup window, adding a new group, then adding contacts to the group at the same time causes the group not to be sent to the server, and the resulting new contacts are added to a non existing group. you have to create the new group first by itself, exit the buddylist setup window, then re-enter it and then add the new contacts to the new group. '
Posted on: 08-17 10:21 am

Sun Said:
Please verify if you're a human. (you have a bot behavior)

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