The newest version that seems to work best with this server is 5.1, however newer versions
still connect and work, some things are broken
Mac users:
The powerpc OSX 10.3 and 10.4 versions of iChat are known to be compatible with our servers, for classic MacOS the macintosh garden has been able to
deliver a modified version of AIM 4.0 Here
The newest version that seems to work best with this server is 5.1, however newer versions
still connect and work, some things are broken
Patches AIM 6.x.x to work with Phoenix servers
Phoenix 6 Patcher 0.1.1
Manual patching:
in \services\im\servicemanifest.xml replace:
look for a key preferencesDefault with the value of AAM, change it to BUCP
do the same for the entry AAMUAS
in \services\imApp:
replace with
Adds tabbed messaging and removes advertisements from AIM clients, tested to work on 4.8 and 5.2
DeadAIM 3.2.8
Phoenix resource patch- removes the advertisement from the contact list and redirects the "AIM Today" window.
place the contained dll in the AIM client folder, it will ask to overwrite the existing one, you may want to keep
a backup of the original file. (Updated 2/17/2020) These are still beta, report any issues on the forum!
Automatically install, backup, update, and restore paches:
Phoenix Patcher 0.1.2 (Beta)
Manual installations below:
Client 5.9
Client 5.5
Client 5.2
Client 5.1
Client 5.0
Client 4.7
This is a small program I quickly wrote to handle AIM when it likes to lock up the computer.
First start this program, then try to start AIM, if AIM hangs the PC click the button on this program
it will terminate the AIM service and the computer will unlock. AIM Tamer 2 is a rewrite of the orignal,
now with the ability to automatically detect the AIM process and if it's locked up the pc or not.
AIM Tamer
AIM Tamer 2 (Beta)
This is a small program I quickly wrote to forward the ports used by AIM direct connection in your
routers NAT table, it will only work if you are in the same subnet as your internet bridge / router
and if your bridge / router supports UPNP.
Phoenix Port Mapper